With the new semester upon you, you’ll likely be busy with homework, assignments, and new schedules throughout the year. Still, it’ll be important for you to keep up with good oral habits to maintain your pearly whites. Neglecting your teeth early on can lead to costly complications in the future. To ensure that you ace your next dental exam, here are several back-to-school tips for taking care of your smile.
Keep Up With Your Oral Hygiene Routine
Perhaps the best step for keeping your teeth healthy is to stick to your cleaning routine every day. Make sure to brush your smile first thing after waking up and right before going to bed. Don’t forget to floss as well to keep your gums clean of debris and plaque. With these steps, you’ll have a greater chance of avoiding decay and periodontal disease.
Avoid Bad Oral Habits
While they might seem harmless at first, doing things like biting your nails or chewing on ice cubes can end up putting your teeth at risk of getting damaged or compromised. Not only can this expose your smile to bacteria, but you might harm your pearly whites enough to require treatment to protect your oral health. Instead, try squeezing a stress ball or chewing on sugar-free gum to keep your teeth safe. The latter is especially helpful for stimulating saliva production, which can naturally wash away food particles and debris. Sugarless gum is also much safer than hard candy, which can also chip or crack your teeth.
Get a Custom Mouthguard
Do you tend to participate in sports activities? Although playing games can be fun and exciting, you can also raise the risk of accidentally harming your teeth. To lower your risk of injuring your smile, you should consider investing in custom-made mouthguards to cushion and protect it. By wearing these appliances, you can focus more on winning the game while feeling confident that your teeth won’t be harmed.
Pack Healthy Snacks in Your Bag
Instead of snacking on starchy and sugary treats throughout the day, you should try stocking up on healthier foods. Potato chips and sugar-filled candies can significantly increase your risk of cavities, which can end up spreading and requiring dental treatment. Try snacking on things like carrots, apple slices, and yogurt. Additionally, instead of indulging in sodas and sports drinks, stick to water or milk.
Feel free to talk to your dentist if you have any questions on how to care for your teeth throughout the year and beyond. By sticking to these back-to-school tips, you can ensure that your smile remains beautiful and healthy until you arrive at your next dental visit!
About the Practice
At Cross Creek Dental Care, our team believes in completely personalized treatments to improve your smile. We offer essential services and utilize modern technology and techniques while educating patients on the best ways to maintain their oral health. If you’d like to schedule an appointment or wish to learn more about how to care for your smile, visit our website or call us at 740-725-8000.